Roz and I have just returned to camp after a long (especially for this time of year) 11-day trip to visit Melanie in London. While we were gone, the weather changed to Spring and it is great to see…
All the Things that have Changed:
The Water is Turned On
The New Trees on the Fields have started to Bloom (at least Most of Them)
The Grass is Green
The Challenge Course has Passed Inspection
The New Fence at the Bottom of the Hill…
And All the Things that We Have Done:
The Tennis Courts are cleaned out and the Tennis Nets are up
The Grass Seed is down
The Sandbox has been re-built
The New Bullfrog Lake Sign is up
The Bumper Boat Barrels are in the Lake…
And All the Things that Have Arrived:
The Back Packs for our Campers
The Four-Way Ping Pong Table
All of the Bus Prizes
The New Golf Cart for the Nurses…
And All the Things That We are Working On This Week:
New Sand for the Sandbox
Starting to Paint, and Paint, and Paint
Weekly Special Event Banners
Picking up the Tents from the “Tent Washer”
39 Different Regular Day Schedules
Rainy Day Schedules (which we won’t need)
Bus Events
Mini Golf Course Designs
New Floors in the Rec Barn
A New “Nitro Swing” for the Challenge Course….
Only 75 days ‘til Camp!!!
All the Things that have Changed:
The Water is Turned On
The New Trees on the Fields have started to Bloom (at least Most of Them)
The Grass is Green
The Challenge Course has Passed Inspection
The New Fence at the Bottom of the Hill…
And All the Things that We Have Done:
The Tennis Courts are cleaned out and the Tennis Nets are up
The Grass Seed is down
The Sandbox has been re-built
The New Bullfrog Lake Sign is up
The Bumper Boat Barrels are in the Lake…
And All the Things that Have Arrived:
The Back Packs for our Campers
The Four-Way Ping Pong Table
All of the Bus Prizes
The New Golf Cart for the Nurses…
And All the Things That We are Working On This Week:
New Sand for the Sandbox
Starting to Paint, and Paint, and Paint
Weekly Special Event Banners
Picking up the Tents from the “Tent Washer”
39 Different Regular Day Schedules
Rainy Day Schedules (which we won’t need)
Bus Events
Mini Golf Course Designs
New Floors in the Rec Barn
A New “Nitro Swing” for the Challenge Course….
Only 75 days ‘til Camp!!!