This past Sunday, we held our first Open House of 2013. It was a great day with lots of families coming to learn all about Meadowbrook and meet many members of our fantastic Leadership Team.
One of the things we spoke about extensively during the day was the role Meadowbrook plays in teaching Campers what we call LIFE SKILLS.
So what are life skills? They are the"soft skills" that unfortunately have been lost in a world where schools are pressed harder to teach to standardized tests and technology has usurped 'free play" with children spending more and more time in front of computers and television sets, playing video games, using social media, and communicating via texting and messages with a maximum of 140 characters.

This is where Meadowbrook comes in! At Camp, we are very focused on teaching our Campers the skills that are necessary to succeed in the 21st Century. These include (but are not limited to): Decision Making, Independence, Problem Solving, Resilience, Leadership, Teamwork, Patience, Perseverance, Self Confidence, Goal Setting, Communication, and many more. We do this in all areas of Camp...from our Athletics Program to Creative Arts; from our Lake Activities to our Challenge Course; from Lunch to Swimming to Special Events to our T.I.G.E.R. program.
The beauty of it all is that our Campers are learning these important life skills in an incredibly safe and fun environment.
For more information on 21st Century Skills, check out the website For more information on how Meadowbrook teaches these skills, call us in the office anytime!