Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Meetings Meetings Meetings

Lot's of meetings this week, and it is only Wednesday. So far, we've met with Chris our painter to review what needs to be freshened up before summer. Frankie was in yesterday looking at all the property for stone, blacktop, grading, etc. We also met with our AV expert, also named Chris. Planning on a new sound system for the lunch pavilion and goat theater. He will also redo our morning assembly sound system and add to the rec barn system so rainy day karaoke will be even more fun! Finally, Char was here inspecting our ropes course and making some minor repairs. He checks everything....every rope, every buckle, every connection. Ongoing maintenance helps keep everything in tip-top shape.

Last night the full Leadership Team got together. Worked on orientation activities and training ideas. And always great food....working at Meadowbrook is never having to say you are hungry! Also met with Casey yesterday. She is one of our Special Events Directors. Time to get all of those bus events planned so we can finalize our '09 Special Events Calender. Today our 3 RN's come in to meet with Roz for their first group pre-summer meeting. And tours everyday for new families who want to join the Meadowbrook Fun.

Only 96 days 'till camp!

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